Thursday, May 15, 2008

My 24 hour binge (not the food kind)

I liked the Twilight novels, and saw this one (The Host, Stephenie Meyer) at Barnes and Noble. Generally I don't buy books, but I got the MOST AMAZING deal at Albertsons on Tuesday ($1/ box of cereal and more, thanks Jodi for calling me) and figured since I saved money on groceries, I could splurge.

I started the book that night and finished it yesterday afternoon. It was so compelling I couldn't put it down. I stayed up till 3:30 in the morning and picked it back up at 7:00 AM when forced out of bed by the kids. I am truly amazed that someone could spin a story like this out of their imagination. What a great novelist and storyteller!


Michael n' Brooke Sanderson said...

thanks for the info I didn't know she had any other books! I'll go pick it up today.
See you guys soon.

Nichole said...

don't you love it that we're grown up's now and we can stay up till all hours doing WHATEVER! of course we pay the next day which is probably what Mom was trying to save me from...gosh....Mom's do know what they're doing ;P

Heather said...

So, is it as good as the vampire books??? My sister is reading it right now & then I'm borrowing it from her! She was on Good things Utah did you get to see her?
I can't wait for the movie!! :)

Camilla Millar said...

Heather, Was it as good as the Twilight books? Well, I actually wasn't that amazed by the first book (Twilight)--maybe it is because everyone was telling me how amazing it was (do you ever get let down because of high expectations?) I LOVED the second book (New Moon?) and like Eclipse as well.

I thought The Host was more inventive. The story was about an alien species who uses humans' bodies. But in the case of the main character(s), the human put up a good fight-- thus, the Wanderer (alien) was caught up in her memories and her thoughts. I thought the book had different twists and turns and I keep thinking about it. So, yeah, it was as good as the Twilight books.

Liz said...

I saw on the news last night that Stephanie was signing books at Highland High School. Why didn't we go? Sorry I didn't call about going to a movie. Jeff didn't end up going to Idaho, but he was gone the entire day. So...I didn't get that time away from the boys like I was planning. Maybe we can go when Brooke is here.???