Monday, May 12, 2008

D's at it again

Do any of you remember that stupid game you played in elementary school that goes something like this?: One person passes gas or burps. Then everyone around quickly puts their thumb on their forehead with only the pinky finger extended. Whoever is the last person in the room to make the sign "eats it"--meaning the burp or fart.

So what do you know? I leave my husband alone with my children last week and at dinner Eliza farts and everyone makes the sign--except me. "Mom. you ate it!" Davis shouts with glee. I quickly glance at my husband who has a sheepish, guilty look. "What are you teaching these guys," I say at the same time D announces, "Kids, you only play the game when Dad is around, remember?" Yes, that's right, my surgeon husband is teaching my kids these stupid games.

We've got a new friend, Seth, over this afternoon. I just glanced out the window and Davis is standing on climbing bars in the back yard, making the sign. This is how I imagine the conversation going with Seth's mom later today. . . ."So how'd it go at Davis's house?" "Fine. Davis is weird. . . ." Mom shrugs her shoulders not quite understanding what weird is till she hears Seth explaining the game to his older brother. "Where did you learn that?" she angrily questions. "At Davis's house."

Yes, this is will be the Millar legacy-- thanks a lot Dr. D!


Melissa said...

oh, let boys be boys. My girls are also going through that funny burp and fart stage too. I think most moms understand.

Timani said...

Seth's mom won't think Davis is Weird? Seth will think Davis is so cool and wants to always play at your house instead of his, because he gets in trouble for stuff like that at his house.

Honestly his mom probably won't care too much, unless he's the only child.

I'm glad my kids don't know that game!

Mark said...

Go D! Someone has to carry on the legacy of this game to the next generation. I plan to teach Zachary this endlessly entertaining game as soon as he can talk.

Timani said...

LOL...don't know how that first line got on there. I obviously started saying one thing, then deleted it. It wasn't on the screen when I sent, my comment should start... Weird?

JoAnna said...


Liz said...

So I read your post this morning and then not even an hour later Chad totally did it to me! I started laughing and he said "What? Davis taught it to me!" To which I started laughing even harder!!! We need to play this week!

The Cherry Family said...

okay, I love reading your blog--You are soooo funny! And don't worry, my kids do stuff like that too. Brayden thinks farts are the funniest thing ever. And Mike's just one big kid, so I'm sure he's teaching them all sorts of stuff.