Friday, October 24, 2008

Update from the dry ice guy

Just in case you were worried about dry ice guy, the good doctors in the burn unit had to amputate both his legs below the knees.

So, in case you were wondering what happens if you submerge your legs in dry ice for three hours, now you know.


Unknown said...

Wow... No joke?

Stephanie said...

oh gosh. talk about consequences!

Christina said...

That poor man. His poor wife!

Mike and Kristin said...

I just want to say how much we enjoy your blog. Mike says you are pure comedy. Sorry we are not very good at leaving more comments but know that we love checking in on the family. Seriously, I give you many many props for living in the surgery lane. I told Mike that I am so glad we have left the days of Surgeon Mike behind us. I'm glad you and D have such positive attitudes because that's what it takes. You are doing such a wonderful job as a single I mean surgeon's wife;)

Melissa said...

Thats actually good advice during this Halloween season.

Melissa said...

Yikes. I hope he can get some help with why he would do that to himself...

The Cherry Family said...

Awful. I just read the post about how it happened. So, why did he take away the treadmill key? We have ours hidden up high to keep away from kids, but I don't really know what would happen. I imagined pinched fingers. But I'm guessing they get burned??