Thursday, October 30, 2008

Learning Lessons in the Bathtub

Yesterday Roger was in the bath, and I pulled out the bubbles and started blowing away. He was having so much fun. I haven't blown bubbles with him for months. I was starting to get a little tired, but he was just beginning this game and he kept reaching for the bubble container. "No," I told him, "You'll dump all the bubbles out." Somehow, my warning didn't phase him and he was really starting to get insistent--he wanted to try blowing bubbles HIMSELF--ALL BY HIMSELF.

I finally gave up and gave him the container. Sure enough, he dumped the bottle within 30 seconds. He was so upset--but what could I do for him? I'd already warned him. This outcome was exactly what I knew would happen if I gave him the bubbles.

While I consoled him, I wondered if this is what Heavenly Father feels like with us sometimes. He's giving us warnings all the time for our benefit and happiness. . . ."Watch what media comes into your home. . . . .stay away from drugs and alcohol. . . . .read your scriptures. . ." The list could go on and on. I believe our Heavenly Father knows just how painful and obvious the result of our disregarding his warnings or suggestions can be. . . . just like I KNEW my little Roger would dump out the bubbles if I let him hold them. But, in the end, our Heavenly Father loves us so much, he lets us have our own way. And I believe it is just so that we will know for ourselves what the outcome was. Isn't it great that Heavenly Father doesn't tell us, "I told you so," when we come crying back to him with our spilled bubbles? Instead he lovingly encourages us to repent and heed his warnings in the future.


missliss5/Melissa said...

Deep thoughts and great reminders...

Nichole said...

that's such a great parallel lesson. thanks!

Crystal said...

What a great post Camilla. That is so true. I love that analogy. That makes me feel guilty for the times I have said "I told you so" to my daughter. Thank you for helping me see what I already know, that that isn't what I should be doing.

Melissa said...

That story was a welcome surprise, I was worried I was going to see a picture of Deedles in a bathtub of bubbles with some story from the B-ICU.

Melissa said...

Another lessoned learned from the bathtub:

Don't ever get in the bath with your infant during a time that he normally does his major blow-outs.

Melissa said...

Calgon, take me away.

(OK I'm done now)

Camilla Millar said...

Melissa, I love you!