Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I predict with the elections over that our gas prices will begin to rise, and will once again reach those disgusting levels ($4.00/gallon) by next year at this time. . . . . . .let's just see!


Mindy Burns said...

You may be right Camilla! But today I filled up my van for $50- It's been FORVER since it's been under $70- what is going on?

Nichole said...

i agree with your prediction and would like to add that we are going to see the price of EVERYTHING go up. Especially our TAXES!!! Big gov't here we come

Babinski's Baby said...

Camilla- just wanted to make sure you were aware that you won the Deglingos Giveaway over on Babinskis' blog? Please come in sometime this week to get your prize!

Melissa said...

Too bad you can't store gasoline in your food storage too.

Hesses Madhouse said...

I don't know. It seems to me that during election years things get particularly bad economically, international relations-wise, etc. I think now that things are ironed out, gas might just go down. Hard to know, but we can only hope, huh? I actually saw it for $2.09 yesterday.