Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Neglectful Mom?

The twins are having a 'trial run' in the lunchroom today. Apparently, parents were invited (I can't find the note that was sent home) to eat lunch with their kids on their first day. I opted not to go. Somehow I think the kids can manage eating by themselves. . . . . .but, why then, am I plagued with a little pang of guilt brought on by this memory?

The scene: fifth or six grade (can't remember) maturation class.

The situation: My mom talks to me the night before about it and asks me if I want her to come. My quick reply was, "No, mom. None of the other moms will be there." (how embarrassing to have your mom show up if no one else's mom will be there).

The next day, my mom was the only one that didn't show. After some friend's moms empathetically asked me if I wanted to sit with them, I had to make it clear that I told my mom not to come. . . . I didn't want her to look neglectful of me or anything.


WOLF-PACK said...

I'm glad I'm not the only guilt ridden mother!! I didn't go to see my oldest in the Halloween parade. She didn't care but my mom and sisters wouldn't let me live it down.

Mary said...

I am guilty as charged. In our school, as a parent you can eat lunch with your child up on the stage. Ethan has let me know that he's like the ONLY kid in his class that hasn't been able to go eat up on the stage. Guilt. Guilt. I keep telling him that one day I'll get over there, but with one car, and two other kids it's a little tricky.

Timani said...

Just imagine, Dan was the only dad in the girls maturation and I was the only mom in the boys.