Sunday, February 15, 2009

A Song (sung to the tune, "Praise to the Man")

Praise to the nursery workers who communed with the toddlers!
The Bishop annointed this newly-married couple.
Blessed to man the toys of the nursery while
children are screaming for Mom and Dad.

Hail to the worker, with nerves of steeeeeel!
Giving us a break for the 2 hour block of meetings.
Mingling with children, wiping their noses.
Dirty diapers are no match for them.


Stephanie said...

that is great. Poor nursery workers never get all the credit they deserve. :)

Jandee said...

very clever and true. jandee

Liz said...

Oh so true! You're so clever!

Jamie said...

So, so true! We have the best nursery workers don't we!

Becky said...

I just got released after 16 months in the nursery! Thanks!