Friday, May 30, 2008

Eliza's First Dance Concert (last night)

Really, this is nothing special. . .but it is cute!

(I am not a biased mom at all)

(notice how Eliza keeps looking to her left, her teacher is standing on the edge of the stage)


Heather said...

That has got to be one of the cutest things I have ever seen!!
It makes me want to go put my daughter in dance!! SO C~U~T~E! :)

Melissa said...

Wow - does that take me back! And most definitely cute! Nothing much cuter than tiny girls in tutus. Michele took dance from 3-5. She was adorable - as is Eliza. Enjoy these tiny dancer days. They fly by in a flash.

Timani said...

Very cute! She kept watching the teacher, but it's obvious she knew the steps and kept on time. I noticed she preformed much better than the girls next to her. (I added that true statement for the competitive mom that noticed also and is proud of her daughter!) :)

Michael n' Brooke Sanderson said...

she did great, after carson saw it he said he wants to marry liza when he grows up.