Saturday, May 24, 2008

update on the midgets

(Sorry to all of you little people out there who are offended by my title--but that is our nickname for the twins-- I am aware the term midget is in no way politically correct)

So, testing is done on the twins and the verdict from the endocrinologist is: no growth hormone required! Yes, Davis and Eliza have been diagnosed with Constitutional Growth Delay; otherwise known as: late bloomers. The fact that their bone age was so much farther behind their calendar age suggests that they will likely grow for longer than their fellow peers. How much longer will they grow is yet to be seen, but at least they likely won't be a "non-functional" height.

Thanks for all the comments and votes in my poll. It was interesting to hear everyone's opinion and experiences. I am certainly glad that we don't have to make a choice about hormones or not!


Timani said...

What a relief!

Rebecca said...

Good news! Happy growing. :)

Lark said...

So glad you won't have to worry about growth hormone therapy.
I am a late bloomer myself and come from a family of late bloomers. My younger brother was 5'5'' and 100 lbs. when he got his drivers lisence and now he is 6'3''. I was always "the short kid" until highschool and i averaged out in height or became taller than everyone.

Samantha said...

Alright!!! I'm sure you're relieved not to have that one extra thing to worry about! :)

Melissa said...

Wouldn't it be easier if they just named it "Late Bloomers Syndrome" instead of Constitutional blah blah?

Melissa said...

Hey maybe I have late bloomer syndrome too!! I haven't added to my 5'1" height since high school but I can still hope right?

Becky said...

That's great news!

Momnerd said...

Oh, I am so glad! They are so adorable, you have nothing to worry about!

Nichole said...

YAY!!! always good news when there's no intervention needed ;P